CLOSED! EOI Closed 5pm, 9 February 2024

Major Grant Round



EOI Closed 5pm, 9 February 2024

Major Grant Round

To coincide with the announcement of Pine Rivers Community Finance Ltd reaching a milestone of more than $1 million of community contributions, a major grant round has been launched, to support significant projects or programs that will make a measurable difference in the Samford, Pine Rivers, Narangba and surrounding communities.  

This grant round is a two step process, prior to a grant being successful:

  • Step 1: Expression of Interest (EOI).
  • Step 2: Shortlisted EOI’s will be invited to submit a full Application.
  • Depending on your project funding, you may also be required to present to the Board.

This Community Grants Program is administered by Community Enterprise Foundation™ and made possible by the profits generated from Community Bank Samford and Pine Rivers.  Please read the following information carefully before commencing your application. 

Man and woman with large wallet and coins, cartoon illustration

Program Focus Area

Samford and Pine Rivers Community Grants Program will support programs and projects in the Samford, Pine Rivers, Narangba and surrounding regions. Eligible projects should commence from July 2024.

Funding Priorities

Charitable and Not-for-profit organisations can apply for projects and activities that offer clear public benefit to the community, contributing to its development in building social capital, community welfare, environmental, health, education or cultural areas.

Funding is provided for a wide range of projects at different developmental stages including (but not limited to) pilot and existing projects, capacity building and operational costs related to the project.

If your project sits outside these areas, please discuss with the grants team prior to submitting your application.


  • Not-for-profit organisations
  • An active ABN
  • Must have a connection with the Samford, Pine Rivers, Narangba and surrounding regions.
  • Project must benefit a community group (not an individual member of the community).
  • A willingness to engage in a long-term relationship with Community Bank Samford and Pine Rivers (Bendigo Bank Ltd).
  • To co-promote Community Bank Samford and Pine Rivers to their membership/stakeholders (a recommended promotional kit will be provided to successful applicants).
  • Applications will not be accepted from organisations that have not successfully acquitted previous grants.
  • Project commences on or after 1 July 2024.


The following will not be considered for funding and applications will be marked ineligible:

  • Retrospective funding – meaning support for activities that have already taken place.
  • Fundraising appeals (including general capital appeals).
  • Funding direct to individuals or for profit businesses.
  • Auspicing* is not permitted – the organisation applying must be the one that will run the program or project.

Funding Guidelines

It is advisable for applicants to speak with the Grants team before preparing an Expression of Interest (EOI). Applications will be considered for projects from $50,000. If your project budget is less than $50,000 (but greater than $10,000) or outside the criteria scope, please get in touch to discuss at

Multi-year funding, maximum of 3 years, will be considered up to $150,000 (total grant), based on project timelines being met each year. PRCF will consider part funding or matched funding of a major project which includes other stakeholders. To be considered, each application must include the following supporting documentation:

  • Financials: Current Financial Statements or most recent bank statement for the applicant organisation.
  • Quotes (Quotes and/or project budget breakdown to be attached)
  • Two letters of reference

If at any time during the application, assessment period, or delivery timeframe your organisation secures funds from another source or your project scope changes, you must submit a variation request for consideration and approval.

Grant Round Timeline – EOI CLOSED!

NOW CLOSED: 9 February 2024, 5pm: Eligible projects and programs complete an online EOI.

March 2024:      Successful EOI applicants are invited to complete a full Application online.

April 2024:          PRCF Board reviews grant applications. Grantees may be invited to present.

June 2024:          Successful applicants are notified and funds distributed prior to 30 June 2024.

Terms of Funding

  1. The decision of the PRCF Board is final and is not subject to any appeal process.
  2. Grants to organisations must be used for the purpose stated in the application.
  3. Funded organisations are required to provide acquittal reports by 30 June annually, until the project is complete, or all funds have been spent. If you are successful in securing funding, acquittal reports will be made available.
  4. Multi-year funding is at the Board’s discretion only and in most cases, is dependent on regular acquittals being submitted.
  5. By submitting the application form and participating in this grants process, you consent to PRCF sharing the details of your project and outcomes outlined in your acquittal for promotional purposes.
  6. Strict promotional protocols to be adhered to and approvals gained for all media/publishing exposure in relation to the project being funded.

For further information, please email or